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  • Content:
    // Name:            Brand 
    // Description:     Brand logo used across website
    // Component:       `c-brand`
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    //                  `c-brand--large`
    //                  `c-brand--resize-small`
    //                  `c-brand--resize-medium`
    //                  `c-brand--inverse`
    //                  `c-brand--alternate`
    // Dependencies:    `settings/color.tokens`
    // 									`themes/[theme-file]`
    // ========================================================================
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      // Custom properties
      // ======================================================================
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          color: var(--brand-color);
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      fill: var(--background-color-muted-alpha);
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  • URL: /components/raw/brand/brand.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/lib/components/brand/brand.scss
  • Size: 4 KB

Widget: - Template: v7_brand_logo Link: