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    <span class="c-form-label">
        Ho letto e accetto l'
        <a class="c-modal">
            informativa sulla privacy

    <!-- modal -->
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                    <h2 class="u-heading-05 u-m-none">Allagamento fosso Bel Poggio 1 (foto Reporter Montesacro) 2</h2>
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                        <p>Straripamento torrente Bel Poggio (foto Reporter Montesacro)</p>
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                    <button class="c-btn c-btn--default u-label-04 u-cursor-pointer u-mb-base u-ml-small">
                        Chiudi </button>
                    <button class="c-btn c-btn--primary u-label-04 u-cursor-pointer u-mb-base u-ml-small">
                        Richiedi info </button>

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<label class="{{ labelClass }}">
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    <span class="c-form-switcher u-absolute u-top u-left u-right u-bottom u-cursor-pointer"></span>

    <span class="c-form-label">
        Ho letto e accetto l'
        <a class="c-modal">
            informativa sulla privacy

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                        {{action_two}} </button>
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  "media": "https://unsplash.it/600/338?random",
  "title": "Allagamento fosso Bel Poggio 1 (foto Reporter Montesacro) 2",
  "description": "Straripamento torrente Bel Poggio (foto Reporter Montesacro)",
  "action_one": "Chiudi",
  "action_two": "Richiedi info",
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  • Content:
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No notes defined.