
<section class="c-slider u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden o-bg-dark">
    <div class="">

        <input class="u-none" type="radio" name="slides" checked="checked" id="slides_1" />

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        <input class="u-none" type="radio" name="slides" id="slides_3" />

        <input class="u-none" type="radio" name="slides" id="slides_4" />

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        <ul class=" u-relative u-size-full u-table u-p-none u-nowrap u-overflow-hidden">

            <li class="u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden u-nowrap u-px-small">
                <article class="c-story  c-story--square-dark   " data-channel="/notizie/">

                    <div class="c-story__media ">
                        <figure class="o-skeleton o-skeleton-media--5-4 u-relative">

                            <a class="u-block u-size-full u-absolute u-left u-top" href="#">

                                    <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.">




                    <div class="c-story__content u-relative">

                        <header class="c-story__header ">

                            <div class="c-story__kicker u-mb-xsmall">

                                <span class="u-label-02 u-ml-medium u-relative u-line-decoration u-block">Label</span>


                            <a class="o-link-text" href="#">
                                <h1 class="
        u-m-none"><span class="u-decoration u-decoration--highlighted u-my-large">Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.</span></h1>

                            <p class="
            c-story__summary u-body-03 u-truncate u-mb-none ">Rebum takimata rebum est elitr eirmod voluptua consetetur lorem lorem. Clita ipsum invidunt rebum dolor ipsum clita duo labore, voluptua.




            <li class="u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden u-nowrap u-px-small">
                <article class="c-story  c-story--square-dark   " data-channel="/notizie/">

                    <div class="c-story__media ">
                        <figure class="o-skeleton o-skeleton-media--5-4 u-relative">

                            <a class="u-block u-size-full u-absolute u-left u-top" href="#">

                                    <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.">




                    <div class="c-story__content u-relative">

                        <header class="c-story__header ">

                            <div class="c-story__kicker u-mb-xsmall">

                                <span class="u-label-02 u-ml-medium u-relative u-line-decoration u-block">Label</span>


                            <a class="o-link-text" href="#">
                                <h1 class="
        u-m-none"><span class="u-decoration u-decoration--highlighted u-my-large">Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.</span></h1>

                            <p class="
            c-story__summary u-body-03 u-truncate u-mb-none ">Rebum takimata rebum est elitr eirmod voluptua consetetur lorem lorem. Clita ipsum invidunt rebum dolor ipsum clita duo labore, voluptua.




            <li class="u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden u-nowrap u-px-small">
                <article class="c-story  c-story--square-dark   " data-channel="/notizie/">

                    <div class="c-story__media ">
                        <figure class="o-skeleton o-skeleton-media--5-4 u-relative">

                            <a class="u-block u-size-full u-absolute u-left u-top" href="#">

                                    <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.">




                    <div class="c-story__content u-relative">

                        <header class="c-story__header ">

                            <div class="c-story__kicker u-mb-xsmall">

                                <span class="u-label-02 u-ml-medium u-relative u-line-decoration u-block">Label</span>


                            <a class="o-link-text" href="#">
                                <h1 class="
        u-m-none"><span class="u-decoration u-decoration--highlighted u-my-large">Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.</span></h1>

                            <p class="
            c-story__summary u-body-03 u-truncate u-mb-none ">Rebum takimata rebum est elitr eirmod voluptua consetetur lorem lorem. Clita ipsum invidunt rebum dolor ipsum clita duo labore, voluptua.




            <li class="u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden u-nowrap u-px-small">
                <article class="c-story  c-story--square-dark   " data-channel="/notizie/">

                    <div class="c-story__media ">
                        <figure class="o-skeleton o-skeleton-media--5-4 u-relative">

                            <a class="u-block u-size-full u-absolute u-left u-top" href="#">

                                    <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.">




                    <div class="c-story__content u-relative">

                        <header class="c-story__header ">

                            <div class="c-story__kicker u-mb-xsmall">

                                <span class="u-label-02 u-ml-medium u-relative u-line-decoration u-block">Label</span>


                            <a class="o-link-text" href="#">
                                <h1 class="
        u-m-none"><span class="u-decoration u-decoration--highlighted u-my-large">Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.</span></h1>

                            <p class="
            c-story__summary u-body-03 u-truncate u-mb-none ">Rebum takimata rebum est elitr eirmod voluptua consetetur lorem lorem. Clita ipsum invidunt rebum dolor ipsum clita duo labore, voluptua.




            <li class="u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden u-nowrap u-px-small">
                <article class="c-story  c-story--square-dark   " data-channel="/notizie/">

                    <div class="c-story__media ">
                        <figure class="o-skeleton o-skeleton-media--5-4 u-relative">

                            <a class="u-block u-size-full u-absolute u-left u-top" href="#">

                                    <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.">




                    <div class="c-story__content u-relative">

                        <header class="c-story__header ">

                            <div class="c-story__kicker u-mb-xsmall">

                                <span class="u-label-02 u-ml-medium u-relative u-line-decoration u-block">Label</span>


                            <a class="o-link-text" href="#">
                                <h1 class="
        u-m-none"><span class="u-decoration u-decoration--highlighted u-my-large">Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.</span></h1>

                            <p class="
            c-story__summary u-body-03 u-truncate u-mb-none ">Rebum takimata rebum est elitr eirmod voluptua consetetur lorem lorem. Clita ipsum invidunt rebum dolor ipsum clita duo labore, voluptua.




        <div class="c-slider__arrows u-absolute u-bottom-small">

            <label for="slides_1" class="u-absolute u-none u-cursor-pointer  goto-first "></label>

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<section class="c-slider u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden o-bg-dark">
  <div class="">
    {% for i in range(1, 6) %}
      <input class="u-none" type="radio" name="slides" {% if i==1 %} checked="checked"{% endif %} id="slides_{{ i }}"/>
    {% endfor %}
    <ul class=" u-relative u-size-full u-table u-p-none u-nowrap u-overflow-hidden">
      {% for i in range(1, 6) %}
        <li class="u-relative u-inline-block u-size-full u-overflow-hidden u-nowrap u-px-small">{% render '@story--square-dark' %}</li>
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/* No context defined. */
  • Content:
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  • URL: /components/raw/slider/slider.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/lib/components/slider/slider.scss
  • Size: 3 KB

No notes defined.