<article class="c-story  c-story--inline   " data-channel="/notizie/">

    <div class="c-story__media ">
        <figure class="o-skeleton o-skeleton-media--responsive u-relative">

            <a class="u-block u-size-full u-absolute u-left u-top" href="#">

                    <source srcset="https://unsplash.it/600/338?random" media="(min-width: 740px)">
                    <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="https://unsplash.it/450/600?random" alt="Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.">




    <div class="c-story__content u-relative">

        <header class="c-story__header ">

            <div class="c-story__kicker u-mb-xsmall">

                <span class="u-label-02 ">Label</span>


            <a class="o-link-text" href="#">
                <h1 class="
        u-m-none">Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.</h1>

            <p class="
            c-story__summary u-body-03 u-truncate u-mb-none ">Rebum takimata rebum est elitr eirmod voluptua consetetur lorem lorem. Clita ipsum invidunt rebum dolor ipsum clita duo labore, voluptua.



<article class="c-story {% if dossier %}c-story--dossier{% endif %} c-story--{{modifier}} {% if grid %}l-grid__item{% endif %} {% if showNumber %}u-relative{% endif%} " {% if grid %}data-grid-position="{{grid_position}}"{% endif %} data-channel="{{channel}}">
  {% if media  %}
    <div class="c-story__media {% if hideMedia %}u-block u-none@md{% endif %}">
      <figure class="o-skeleton {% if square %}o-skeleton-media--5-4{% else %}o-skeleton-media--responsive{% endif %} u-relative">
       {% if video %}
          <a href="#" class="c-story__play o-icon-play"></a>
        {% endif %}
        <a class="u-block u-size-full u-absolute u-left u-top" href="#">
            {% if square %}
            <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="{{media.square}}" alt="{{title}}">
            {% else %}
            <source srcset="{{media.horizontal}}" media="(min-width: 740px)">
            <img class="u-size-full" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" loading="lazy" src="{{media.vertical}}" alt="{{title}}">
            {% endif %}

  {% endif %}

  <div class="c-story__content u-relative">

    {% if showNumber %} 
      <div class="c-story__number u-absolute">{{number}}.</div>
    {% endif %}

    <header class="c-story__header {% if showNumber %}u-pl-xlarge{% endif %}">

      <div class="c-story__kicker u-mb-xsmall">
        {% if approfondimento %}
        <a class="u-no-underline" href="#">
          {% if dossier %}
          <small class="c-story__badge u-color-inverse u-label-10 u-uppercase u-py-xxxsmall u-px-xxsmall u-mb-xxxsmall">
          {% else %}
          <small class="c-story__badge u-color-inverse u-label-10 u-uppercase u-py-xxxsmall u-px-xxsmall u-mb-xxxsmall">
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

        <span class="u-label-02 {% if square %}u-ml-medium u-relative u-line-decoration u-block{% endif %}">{{label}}</span>

      <a class="o-link-text" href="#">
        <h1 class="
        {% if truncate %}u-truncate u-truncate-{{truncate}}{% endif %} 
        {% if size == 'big' %}u-heading-02
        {% elif size == 'medium' %}u-heading-09
        {% elif size == 'small' %}u-heading-08
        {% elif size == 'compact' %}u-heading-04
        {% elif size == 'narrow' %}u-heading-04
        {% elif size == 'heading-05' %}u-heading-05
        {% elif size == 'tiny' %}u-heading-06
        {% elif size == 'u-heading-10' %}u-heading-10         
        {% elif size == 'heading-05-06' %}u-heading-05-06{% endif %} 
        u-m-none">{% if decoration %}<span class="u-decoration u-decoration--highlighted u-my-large">{{title}}</span>{% else %}{{title}}{% endif %}</h1>

      {% if modifier=='inline-sm' or modifier=='inline' or modifier=='inline-lg'  or modifier=='square-dark' %}
          <p class="
            {% if deskSummary %} u-none u-block@md {% endif %} 
            {% if dark %} u-color-inverse{% endif %} 
            {% if hideSummary %}u-block u-none@md{% endif %} 
            {% if truncate %}u-truncate {% endif %} 
            {% if truncate==3 %}u-truncate-3 {% else %}u-truncate-4 {% endif %} 
            c-story__summary u-body-03 u-truncate u-mb-none ">{{summary}}
      {% endif %}

      {% if sublinks and (modifier=='inline-sm' or modifier=='inline-lg') %}
        <ul class="c-story__sublinks u-list-none u-mt-small u-mb-none u-pl-none">

        {% for sublink in sublinks %}
          <li class="c-story__sublink">
            <a class="u-no-underline" href="#">
              <span class="c-story__kicker o-dot u-label-03">{{sublink.kicker}}</span>
              <span class="o-link-text u-heading-07" >{{sublink.title}}</span>
        {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}
    {% if modifier!='square-dark' and modifier!='inline-sm' and modifier!='inline' and modifier!='inline-lg'%}
      {% if truncate %}
        <div class="c-story__summary u-truncate">
      {% endif %}
        <p class="
          {% if deskSummary %} u-none u-block@md {% endif %} 
          {% if hideSummary %}u-block u-none@md{% endif %} 
          {% if square %}u-color-secondary{% endif %} 
          {% if not truncate %}c-story__summary u-mb-none {% else %}u-m-none {% endif %} 
      {% if truncate %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if sublinks and (modifier!='inline-sm' and modifier!='inline-lg') %}
      <ul class="c-story__sublinks u-list-none u-mt-small u-mb-none u-pl-none">

      {% for sublink in sublinks %}
        <li class="c-story__sublink">
          <a class="u-no-underline" href="#">
            <span class="c-story__kicker o-dot u-label-03">{{sublink.kicker}}</span>
            <span class="o-link-text u-heading-07" >{{sublink.title}}</span>
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if showAuthor or showDate or showCounter %}  
      <span class="c-story__byline u-label-08 u-color-secondary u-mt-small u-block">

        {% if showCounter %}  
          {{ counter }} foto

          {% if showAuthor or showDate %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if showAuthor %}  
          di {{ author }}
        {% endif %}  

        {% if showAuthor and showDate %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if showDate %}
          {{ date }}
        {% endif %}

    {% endif %}

    {% if live %}
      <div class="c-story__live o-bg-dark u-p-base u-z-cover u-block u-none@md u-mt-small">
        <a class="u-no-underline o-link-text u-flex  u-content-between u-items-center" href="/notizie/tutte/">
          <span class="u-labal-08 u-uppercase u-mb-none">
            <span class="o-icon-live o-icon-live--out">
              <span class="o-icon-live o-icon-live--in is-blinking"></span>
          <svg class="u-ml-auto o-icon o-icon--inverse o-icon--md">
            <use xlink:href="#icon-arrow-right"></use>
    {% endif %}


  "title": "Angels there and shore with or. The visiter chamber clasp.",
  "summary": "Rebum takimata rebum est elitr eirmod voluptua consetetur lorem lorem. Clita ipsum invidunt rebum dolor ipsum clita duo labore, voluptua.",
  "author": "John Doe",
  "label": "Label",
  "date": "23 maggio 2020",
  "channel": "/notizie/",
  "media": {
    "horizontal_hi": [
    "horizontal_mid": [
    "horizontal_low": [
    "vertical_hi": [
    "vertical_mid": [
    "vertical_low": [
    "square_hi": [
    "square_mid": [
    "square_low": [
    "horizontal": [
    "vertical": [
  "modifier": "inline",
  "size": "narrow"
  • Content:
    // Name:            Story
    // Description:     Shows news content of any kind
    // Component:       `c-story`
    // Modifiers:       `c-story--stack`
    //                  `c-story--inline`
    //                  `c-story--inset`
    //                  `c-story--card`
    //                  `c-story--overlay`
    //                  'c-story--square-dark'
    // Dependencies:    `settings/v7/colors.tokens`
    //                  `settings/v7/colors.themes`
    //                  `settings/v7/colors.mode`
    //                  `settings/v7/global`
    //                  `settings/v7/spacing.tokens`
    // ========================================================================
    // Variables
    // ========================================================================
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    // ========================================================================
    .c-story {
      // Custom properties
      // ======================================================================
      --story-number-color: #{$text-02};
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      --story-kicker-text: var(--theme-color); 
      // ======================================================================
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      body[data-color-scheme*="dark"]:not([data-model*="sponsor"]) &,
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      // ========================================================================
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: 1fr;
      align-content: start;
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        gap: 1rem;
        @include bp(md){
          align-content: center;
          align-items: center;
          grid-template-rows: 1fr;
      &--square-dark  {
        .c-story__content {
          grid-area: headline;
      &--inline {
        @include bp(md) {
            "headline media"
            "summary media"
            "sublinks sublinks"
            "byline byline";
          grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
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            "headline headline headline headline headline media media media"
            "summary summary summary summary summary media media media"
            "byline byline byline byline byline byline byline byline";
          grid-template-columns: repeat(8, 1fr);
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          grid-template-areas: "headline headline headline media media media";
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        @include bp(lg) {
            "byline content content content content media"
            "byline content content content content media";
          grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
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        border-top: 1px solid var(--theme-color);
        border-bottom: 1px solid var(--divider-color);
        @include bp(md) {
          grid-template-areas: "byline content"; }
        .c-story__body > p {
          margin-top: 0;
        .c-story__body > p > a {
          color: var(--link-color);
          text-decoration-color: $ui-04;
          text-decoration-skip: ink;
          text-underline-offset: 2px;
          &:hover {
            text-decoration-color: var(--link-color);
        img[style] {
          width: auto !important;
          height: auto !important;
      &--inset {
        @include bp(md) {
            "headline headline headline"
            "summary summary media"
            "sublinks sublinks media"
            "byline byline media";
          grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
      &--card {
        align-items: stretch;
      &--editorial {
          "headline thumb"
          "byline byline"
          "summary summary";
      &--focus {
        @include bp(md) {
            "content content content content content media media media";
          grid-template-columns: repeat(8, 1fr);
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        @include bp(md) {
            "content content content content content media media media";
          grid-template-columns: repeat(8, 1fr);
        &::after {
          content: '';
          position: absolute;
          left: 0;
          top: 0;
          width: 100%;
          height: 100%;
          background-color: #{rgba($ui-02,.6)};
          z-index: -1;
      &__byline {
        grid-area: byline;
        .c-story--editorial & {
          color: var(--story-kicker-text);
        .c-story--search & {
          display: flex;
        .c-story--search & {
          @include bp(lg) {
            display: block;
      &__content {
        grid-area: content;
      &__header {
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            padding: 0 $padding-xxxlarge;
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          padding: $padding-base;
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          border-top-style: $story-header-border-style;
          border-top-color: var(--story-header-border);
          background: var(--background-color);
          @include bp(lg) {
            padding-top: $padding-medium;
      &__heading {
        .c-story--overlay & {
          @include type(heading-06);
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            @include type(heading-05);
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            transform: scale(1.3);
        .c-story--inline &,
        .c-story--inline-sm &,
        .c-story--inline-lg &,
        .c-story--focus &,
        .c-story--inset & {
          @include bp(md) {
            margin-bottom: 0;
        .c-story--inline &,
        .c-story--inline-sm &,
        .c-story--inline-lg &,
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          @include bp(md) {
            margin-left: $margin-small;
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          @include bp(md) {
            margin-top: $margin-small;
            padding-left: $padding-small;
        .c-story--overlay & {
          @include z(undercover);
          width: 100%;
          height: 100%;
          margin-bottom: 0;
          object-fit: cover;
          object-position: center;  
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        top: $margin-medium;
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        color: $story-number-color;
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        font-size: $story-number-size;
        font-weight: 700;
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        .l-list-border > *:first-child & {
          top: 0;
        .l-list-multi-column > *:first-child & {
          top: $margin-medium;
      // 1. Prevent bad alignments in focus single layout
      &__badge {
        background-color: var(--kicker-bg);
        .c-story--dossier & {
          --kicker-bg: #{$approfondimento-base};
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        grid-area: kicker;
        align-self: self-start; // 1
        color: var(--story-kicker-text);
        a {color: var(--story-kicker-text);}
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          color: $inverse-01;
        .c-story--square-dark & {
          color: $inverse-01;
        [data-theme="today"] .c-story--overlay & {
          background-color: var(--story-kicker-bg);
          color: $inverse-01;
      &__play {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: $margin-base;
        left: $margin-base;
        @include z(cover);
      &__summary {
        grid-area: summary;
        margin-top: $margin-xsmall;
      &__sublinks {
        position: relative;
        grid-area: sublinks;
        &::before {
          content: '';
          display: block;
          width: 30px;
          height: 1px;
          margin-bottom: $margin-small;
          background-color: var(--divider-color);
        .c-story__sublink:not(:last-child) {
          margin-bottom: $margin-xsmall;
        .c-story__kicker {
          color: var(--body-secondary-color);
      &__thumb {
        --story-thumb-size: 4rem;
        grid-area: thumb;
        width: var(--story-thumb-size);
        height: var(--story-thumb-size);
      &__live {
        border-top: 1px solid $ui-01-50;
        margin: 0 #{-$margin-base} #{-$margin-base};
  • URL: /components/raw/story/story.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/lib/components/story/story.scss
  • Size: 9.5 KB


Story component is used to display news content.


It comes along with 3 different templates:

  • story.njk default layout used for common cases with some variations (see Variations chapter);
  • story--card.njk card layout used for specific category content;
  • story--overlay.njk overlay layout used for featured content;


Possible layout variations:

  1. stack big
  2. stack compact
  3. stack narrow
  4. stack tiny
  5. inline big
  6. inline compact
  7. inline narrow
  8. inline tiny
  9. inset big
  10. inset compact
  11. card
  12. overlay big
  13. overlay narrow

In order to generate a variation you must declare modifier and size parameters.


  • modifier - related to layout, string data type, accepted values: stack, inline, inset, card, overlay
  • size - related to headlines size, string data type, accepted values: big, compact, narrow, tiny
  • media - display image, boolean data type (default is true)
  • summary - display summary, boolean data type (default is true)
  • sublinks - display sublinks, boolean data type (default is true)
  • author - display author, boolean data type (default is true)
  • date - display date, boolean data type (default is true)


Render single story

In order to display a default story template use following syntax:

  {% render "@story", {modifier: '[modifier]', size:'[size]' }, true %}

If yout want to customize content set some parameters like:

  {% render "@story", {modifier: '[modifier]', size:'[size]', summary: false, author: false }, true %}

In this case we’re hiding summary and author content.

Render a list of stories

In order to display a list of stories please refer to Templates docs.