User: Delete

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                    @font-face {
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                        src: url("/~shared/files/webfonts/NovecentoSansNarrow.woff") format("woff2"),
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                        font-style: normal;
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                    <span class="c-brand__edition">agrigento</span><span class="c-brand__network">notizie</span>

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            <div class="c-tab u-p-none">
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                <input type="radio" value="mail" id="mail-form-radio" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice" checked>
                <div id="mail-form-tab" class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-pl-base u-pr-base u-pl-none@md u-pr-none@md">
                    <!-- email form -->

                    <div class="u-mb-base">


                    <form id="email-delete-form" action="" onsubmit=" && ga( 'send', 'event', 'Community');" method="post" novalidate>
                        <fieldset data-toggle="email-delete-fw__step" class="fw__inputs o-divider email-delete-fw__step o-divider u-pl-none u-pr-none u-mb-medium">
                            <div class="u-text-center u-mb-large">
                                <h1 class="u-heading-03">Cancella il tuo profilo personale</h1>
                            <div class="u-mb-base ">
                                <div class="">

                                    <label class="u-label-04 u-color-base" for="">Password</label>

                                    <input class=" u-block u-size-full" type="password" placeholder="">


                                <!-- TODO: REVIEW ICON POSITION -->

                            <div class="u-mt-large">

                                <div class="u-flex u-items-center">

                                    <div class="u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-text-right">
                                        <input class="fw__button c-btn c-btn--primary u-label-03 u-cursor-pointer c-btn--large u-text-center" type="button" value="Avanti →" onclick="next()" />


                            <div class="u-text-center u-mt-large u-pl-large u-pr-large u-pl-none@md u-pr-none@md">
                                <span class="u-label-07 u-color-secondary u-block u-mb-small">
                                    Non sei registrato?
                                    <a class="o-link-primary" href="user--signup2021">Crea un account</a>
                        <fieldset data-toggle="email-delete-fw__step" class="fw__inputs o-divider email-delete-fw__step o-divider u-pl-none u-pr-none u-mb-medium">
                            <div class="u-mb-large u-block u-none@md">

                                <div class="u-flex u-items-center">

                                    <div class="u-size-full u-size-1-2 ">
                                        <input class="c-btn c-btn--default u-label-03 u-cursor-pointer c-btn--large u-text-center" type="button" value="← Indietro" onclick="back()" />


                            <div class="u-mb-large">
                                <h2 class="u-heading-03 u-text-center">Sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo profilo personale?</h2>
                                <p class="u-text-center">
                                    Ricorda che se ti cancelli i tuoi commenti futuri resteranno anonimi e il tuo avatar verrà rimosso.
                            <div class="u-mt-large">

                                <div class="u-flex u-items-center">

                                    <div class="u-size-full u-size-1-2 ">
                                        <input class="c-btn c-btn--default u-label-03 u-cursor-pointer c-btn--large u-text-center" type="button" value="← Indietro" onclick="back()" />

                                    <div class="u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-text-right">
                                        <input class="fw__button c-btn c-btn--primary u-label-03 u-cursor-pointer c-btn--large u-text-center" type="submit" value="Cancella profilo" />


                        <section data-toggle="email-delete-fw__step" class="fw__result email-delete-fw__step">
                            <div class="u-mb-large">
                                <h2 class="u-heading-03 u-text-center">Profilo eliminato definitivamente</h2>
                                <p class="u-mb-large u-text-center">Il tuo profilo è stato cancellato....</p>
                                <div class="u-mb-base">
                                    <a href="#" class="c-btn c-btn--primary u-label-04 u-cursor-pointer c-btn--laege u-text-center u-block u-no-underline">Leggi
                                        le ultime notizie</a>
                            <div id="results" class="u-mb-large u-mt-large"></div>

                        window.onload = function() {
                            var stepIndex = 0;
                        // var modeToggle = document.getElementsByClassName("input:radio[name=c-tabs__choice]:checked");
                        // const stepElements = document.querySelector('[data-toggle-step]');
                        var stepElements = document.getElementsByClassName("email-delete-fw__step");
                        var form = document.getElementById("email-delete-form");
                        var breadcrumbsItems = document.getElementsByClassName("c-stepper__element");
                        // Initialise the form
                        function init() {
                            // Reset the step
                            stepIndex = 0;
                            // Clear all fields
                        // Indicate the current step with breadcrumbs
                        function toggleBreadcrumbsStep() {
                            Array.from(breadcrumbsItems).forEach(function(el, index) {
                                if (index <= stepIndex) {
                                } else {
                        // Show the current step and hide the rest
                        function showCurrentStep() {
                            Array.from(stepElements).forEach(function(el, index) {
                                if (index !== stepIndex) {
                                } else {
                        // Next step action, all fields in current step must be validated before proceed to next step.
                        function next() {
                            const fields = stepElements[stepIndex].querySelectorAll("input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit]), select");
                            // Increment step
                        // Back button action to navigate 1 step back
                        function back() {
                            // Clear all fields in current step
                            const fields = stepElements[stepIndex].querySelectorAll("input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit]), select");
                            Array.from(fields).forEach(function(field) {
                                const tagName = field.tagName;
                                if (tagName.localeCompare("INPUT") === 0) {
                                    field.value = '';
                                } else if (tagName.localeCompare("SELECT") === 0) {
                                    field.selectedIndex = 0;
                            // Decrement step
                        form.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
                            const fields = stepElements[stepIndex].querySelectorAll("input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit]), select");
                            // all fields in current step must be validated before submission.
                            // Prepare the result in next view
                            // Navigate to result
                            // toggleBreadcrumbsStep();
                        }, false);

                        function showResult() {
                            const resultsContainer = document.getElementById("results");
                            // Make sure the result page is empty
                            resultsContainer.innerHTML = "";
                            const fields = form.querySelectorAll("input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit]), select");
                            // List out all data
                            fields.forEach(field => {
                                const fieldLabel = field.getAttribute("data-label");
                                const fieldValue = field.value;
                                const resultItem = document.createElement("li");
                                resultItem.setAttribute("class", "fw__result__item");
                                resultItem.innerHTML = '<span class="fw__result__label">' + fieldLabel + ':</span> <strong class="fw__result__value">' + fieldValue + '</strong>';
                    <!-- end email form -->
                <!-- end tabs module -->

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            <p class="u-label-07">
                © Copyright 2009-2021 RomaToday <br />
                plurisettimanale telematico reg. tribunale di Roma n. 93/2010 <br />
                P.iva 10786801000 <br />
                Testata iscritta all'USPI
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					logo: false
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	<div class="l-boxed__content u-z-cover">
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			{% if type == "login" %}
			{% render "@login", {
					type: type,
					mode: mode,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel
				}, true %}
			{% elif type == "logout" %}
			{% render "@logout", {
					type: type,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel
				}, true %}
			{% elif type == "signup" %}
			{% render "@signup", {
					type: type,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel,
					methods: methods
				}, true %}
			{% elif type == "buysignup" %}
			{% render "@buysignup", {
					type: type,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel,
					methods: methods
				}, true %}
			{% elif type == "activate" %}
			{% render "@activate", {
					type: type,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel
				}, true %}
			{% elif type == "recovery" %}
			{% render "@recovery", {
					type: type,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel
				}, true %}
			{% elif type == "delete" %}
			{% render "@delete", {
					type: type,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel
				}, true %}
			{% elif type == "view" %}
			{% render "@view", {
					type: type,
					page_title: page_title,
					page_subtitle: page_subtitle,
					actionLabel: actionLabel
				}, true %}
			{% endif %}
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				<svg class="o-icon--fill" width="91" height="24">
					<use xlink:href="#brand-citynews"></use>
			<p class="u-label-07">
				© Copyright 2009-2021 {{hName}} <br />
				plurisettimanale telematico reg. tribunale di Roma n. 93/2010 <br />
				P.iva 10786801000 <br />
				Testata iscritta all'USPI
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  "sidebarImg": "/assets/images/site/cities/roma_desktop.jpg",
  "hName": "RomaToday",
  "hBrand": "/assets/images/site/brands_orizzontal/Property 1=RomaToday.svg",
  "gBrand": "/assets/images/site/horizontal-white-full@2x.png",
  "type": "delete",
  "actionLabel": "Cancella profilo",
  "errors": false,
  "page_title": "Cancella il tuo profilo personale",
  "page_subtitle": "Scegli una modalità di cancellazione"

No notes defined.