<!-- form -->
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let map, infoWindow;
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("mapCanvas"), {
center: {
lat: 41.9028,
lng: 12.4964
zoom: 5,
function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
(position) => {
const pos = {
lat: position.coords.latitude,
lng: position.coords.longitude,
function HTMLMarker(lat, lng) {
this.lat = lat;
this.lng = lng;
this.pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
HTMLMarker.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();
HTMLMarker.prototype.onRemove = function() {}
//init your html element here
HTMLMarker.prototype.onAdd = function() {
div = document.createElement('DIV');
div.className = "marker-pin";
// div.innerHTML = "<img src='' alt=''>";
var panes = this.getPanes();
HTMLMarker.prototype.draw = function() {
var overlayProjection = this.getProjection();
var position = overlayProjection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.pos);
var panes = this.getPanes();
panes.overlayImage.style.left = position.x + 'px';
panes.overlayImage.style.top = position.y - 30 + 'px';
var htmlMarker = new HTMLMarker(this.lat, this.lng);
() => {
handleLocationError(true, infoWindow, map.getCenter());
} else {
handleLocationError(false, infoWindow, map.getCenter());
function handleLocationError(browserHasGeolocation, infoWindow, pos) {
browserHasGeolocation ?
"Error: The Geolocation service failed." :
"Error: Your browser doesn't support geolocation."
var toggleLocation = document.getElementById("findLocation");
if (toggleLocation.addEventListener) toggleLocation.addEventListener("click", getLocation, false);
else if (el.attachEvent) toggleLocation.attachEvent('onclick', getLocation);
{% set prevStepForLabel = 'sidebar-form-radio' %}
<!-- form -->
{% for item in userSettingsSections %}
{% if item.slug == "compliteProfile" %}
<!-- fildset-->
<input {% if item.slug=='compliteProfile' %}checked{% endif %} type="radio" value="{{item.slug}}" id="radio-{{item.slug}}" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-pl-base u-pr-base u-pl-large@md u-pr-large@md">
<form id="{{item.slug}}-form" class="fw__wrapper" onsubmit="window.ga && ga( 'send', 'event', 'Community');" method="post"novalidate>
<fieldset data-toggle="{{type}}-fw__step" class="fw__inputs o-divider {{type}}-fw__step u-pl-none u-pr-none u-mb-medium">
<div class="u-mb-large u-block u-none@md">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'FALSE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-xlarge u-mt-large">
<h2 class="u-heading-03 u-mb-small u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.title }}</h2>
<p class="u-color-secondary u-my-none u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.subtitle }}</p>
<div class="u-mb-xlarge u-flex u-items-center u-column u-row@sm">
<div class="{% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--avatar" %}
<div class="u-mt-base u-mt-none@sm u-ml-base@sm">
<h3 class="u-title-05 u-mb-xsmall">Nome Cognome</h3>
<span class="u-label-07 u-color-secondary u-block">Iscritto dal 14 ottobre 2013</span>
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Nome', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Cognome', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Anno di nascita', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@select", {label:'Sesso', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Impiego', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Settore', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@textarea--default", {label:'Biografia', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-mt-large">
<label class="c-form-label u-color-base">Privacy</label>
<div class="u-mb-base">
{% render "@switch", {label: 'Mostra cognome sul tuo profilo pubblico'}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base">
{% render "@switch", {label: 'Mostra anno di nascita sul tuo profilo pubblico'}, true %}
<!-- zone shoose -->
<h2 class="u-heading-03 u-mb-small u-text-center u-text-left@md">Scelta zona</h2>
<div class="u-mb-base">
<input type="radio" value="localization" id="localization-form-radio" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div id="localization-form-tab" class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-border-none">
<div class="u-mb-base">
{# map goes here #}
<input checked type="radio" value="adress" id="adress-form-radio" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div id="adress-form-tab" class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-border-none">
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@select", {label:'Provincia', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@select", {label:'Città', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Indirizzo', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Civico', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-mt-large">
<label class="c-form-label u-color-base">Privacy</label>
<div class="u-mb-base">
{%render "@switch", {label: 'Nascondi Zona sul tuo profilo pubblico'}, true %}
<!-- end zone shoose -->
<!-- edit credentials -->
<h2 class="u-heading-03 u-mb-small u-text-center u-text-left@md">Modifica credenziali</h2>
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Email', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Cellulare', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--password", {label:'Password', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-1 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Modifica password', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-1 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Conferma password', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-mt-large">
<label class="c-form-label u-color-base">Connections</label>
Connesso con facebook to Facebook
<a class="c-btn c-btn--default c-btn--link u-cursor-pointer u-items-center u-label-04">Disconnetti</a>
Connesso con facebook to Apple
<a class="c-btn c-btn--default c-btn--link u-cursor-pointer u-items-center u-label-04">Disconnetti</a>
Connesso con facebook to Google
<a class="c-btn c-btn--default c-btn--link u-cursor-pointer u-items-center u-label-04">Disconnetti</a>
<!-- end edit credentials -->
<div class="fw__inputs o-divider__error">
<p class="fw__inputs o-divider__error--message"></p>
<div class="u-mt-large">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'TRUE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<div class="u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-text-left u-mt-large">
<a class="fw__button c-btn c-btn--link u-px-none u-color-error u-label-04 u-cursor-pointer c-btn--large u-text-center" />
Cancella profilo
<!-- end fildset -->
{% elif item.slug == "argumentsShoose" %}
<!-- fildset-->
<input type="radio" value="{{item.slug}}" id="radio-{{item.slug}}" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-pl-base u-pr-base u-pl-large@md u-pr-large@md">
<form id="{{item.slug}}-form" class="fw__wrapper" onsubmit="window.ga && ga( 'send', 'event', 'Community');" method="post" novalidate>
<fieldset data-toggle="{{type}}-fw__step" class="fw__inputs o-divider {{type}}-fw__step u-pl-none u-pr-none u-mb-medium">
<div class="u-mb-large u-block u-none@md">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'FALSE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-xlarge u-mt-large">
<h2 class="u-heading-03 u-mb-small u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.title }}</h2>
<p class="u-color-secondary u-my-none u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.subtitle }}</p>
<div class="fw__inputs o-divider__error">
<p class="fw__inputs o-divider__error--message"></p>
<div class="u-mt-large">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'TRUE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<!-- end fildset -->
{% elif item.slug == "zoneShoose" %}
<!-- fildset-->
<input type="radio" value="{{item.slug}}" id="radio-{{item.slug}}" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-pl-base u-pr-base u-pl-large@md u-pr-large@md">
<form id="{{item.slug}}-form" class="fw__wrapper" onsubmit="window.ga && ga( 'send', 'event', 'Community');" method="post" novalidate>
<fieldset data-toggle="{{type}}-fw__step" class="fw__inputs o-divider {{type}}-fw__step u-pl-none u-pr-none u-mb-medium">
<div class="u-mb-large u-block u-none@md">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'FALSE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-xlarge u-mt-large">
<h2 class="u-heading-03 u-mb-small u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.title }}</h2>
<p class="u-color-secondary u-my-none u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.subtitle }}</p>
<div class="u-mb-base">
<input type="radio" value="localization" id="localization-form-radio" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div id="localization-form-tab" class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-border-none">
<div class="u-mb-base">
{# map goes here #}
<input checked type="radio" value="adress" id="adress-form-radio" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div id="adress-form-tab" class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-border-none">
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@select", {label:'Provincia', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@select", {label:'Città', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Indirizzo', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Civico', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-mt-large">
<label class="c-form-label u-color-base">Privacy</label>
<div class="u-mb-base">
{%render "@switch", {label: 'Nascondi Zona sul tuo profilo pubblico'}, true %}
<div class="fw__inputs o-divider__error">
<p class="fw__inputs o-divider__error--message"></p>
<div class="u-mt-large">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'TRUE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<!-- end fildset -->
{% elif item.slug == "credentialsEdit" %}
<!-- fildset-->
<input type="radio" value="{{item.slug}}" id="radio-{{item.slug}}" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-pl-base u-pr-base u-pl-large@md u-pr-large@md">
<form id="{{item.slug}}-form" class="fw__wrapper" onsubmit="window.ga && ga( 'send', 'event', 'Community');" method="post"novalidate>
<fieldset data-toggle="{{type}}-fw__step" class="fw__inputs o-divider {{type}}-fw__step u-pl-none u-pr-none u-mb-medium">
<div class="u-mb-large u-block u-none@md">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'FALSE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-xlarge u-mt-large">
<h2 class="u-heading-03 u-mb-small u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.title }}</h2>
<p class="u-color-secondary u-my-none u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.subtitle }}</p>
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Email', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-2 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Cellulare', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--password", {label:'Password', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-flex u-column u-row@md ">
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-1 u-mr-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Modifica password', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-size-full u-size-1-1 u-ml-xsmall@md {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@input--default", {label:'Conferma password', placeholder:'', fieldLabel:'placeholderfieldLabel', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base u-mt-large">
<label class="c-form-label u-color-base">Connections</label>
Connesso con facebook to Facebook
<a class="c-btn c-btn--default c-btn--link u-cursor-pointer u-items-center u-label-04">Disconnetti</a>
Connesso con facebook to Apple
<a class="c-btn c-btn--default c-btn--link u-cursor-pointer u-items-center u-label-04">Disconnetti</a>
Connesso con facebook to Google
<a class="c-btn c-btn--default c-btn--link u-cursor-pointer u-items-center u-label-04">Disconnetti</a>
<div class="u-mt-large">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'TRUE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<!-- end fildset -->
{% elif item.slug == "editSubscriptions" %}
<!-- fildset-->
<input type="radio" value="{{item.slug}}" id="radio-{{item.slug}}" class="u-none" name="c-tabs__choice">
<div class="c-tab__content u-size-full u-pl-base u-pr-base u-pl-large@md u-pr-large@md">
<form id="{{item.slug}}-form" class="fw__wrapper" onsubmit="window.ga && ga( 'send', 'event', 'Community');" method="post"novalidate>
<div class="u-mb-large u-block u-none@md">
{% render "@stepcontrols", {
submitForm: 'FALSE',
actionLabel: actionLabel,
prevStep: 'FALSE',
prevStepIndex: 'TRUE',
prevStepForLabel: prevStepForLabel,
nextStep: 'FALSE',
skipStep: 'FALSE',
backLabel:'← Indietro',
nextLabel:'Avanti →',
mode: mode,
type: type,
slug: item.slug
}, true %}
<fieldset data-toggle="{{type}}-fw__step" class="fw__inputs o-divider {{type}}-fw__step u-pl-none u-pr-none u-mb-medium">
<div class="u-mb-xlarge u-mt-large">
<h2 class="u-heading-03 u-mb-small u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.title }}</h2>
<p class="u-color-secondary u-my-none u-text-center u-text-left@md">{{ item.subtitle }}</p>
{% for sub in item.subriptions %}
<div class="u-bordered">
<div class="u-flex u-space-between">
<img class="c-dropdown__brand u-mr-medium" src="{{sub.eidionBrand}}" alt="{{sub.editionName}}">
<li>Status: {{sub.status}}</li><li>
{% if sub.renew == "annual" %}
<span class="">Billing: {{sub.renew}}</span>
{% else %}
<span class="">Billing: {{sub.renew}}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if sub.status == "expired" %}
<!-- modal -->
<label class="c-modal">
<input class="u-none" type="checkbox"/>
<div class="u-cursor-pointer">
<span class="o-link-primary">
Dettaglio abbonamento
<div class="c-modal__dialog u-fixed u-top u-bottom u-right u-left o-bg-base">
<div class="c-modal__wrap u-absolute u-bottom u-right u-left ">
<div class="c-modal__textual u-relative u-mt-xlarge o-bg-base u-flex u-justify-start u-column">
<div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-size-full u-pb-0 u-px-base">
<div class="u-flex u-pt-base">
<img class="c-dropdown__brand u-mr-medium" src="{{sub.eidionBrand}}" alt="{{sub.editionName}}">
<h2 class="u-heading-05 u-m-none u-py-base">{{sub.editionName}}</h2>
<span class="c-modal__close o-link-inverse u-p-xxsmall u-absolute u-radius-circle">
<svg class="o-icon o-icon--md u-cursor-pointer">
<use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-x"></use>
<div class="u-overflow-scroll">
<div class="u-my-base u-px-base">
<ul class="c-menu__list u-list-none">
<li>Stato: {{subription.status}}</li>
<li>Prezzo: €{{subription.price}}</li>
<li>Inizio: {{subription.startDate}}</li>
<li>Scadenza: {{subription.expireDate}}</li>
<div class="u-mb-base {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@select", {label:'Metodo di pagamento', fieldLabel:'{{subription.billing}}', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-mb-base {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
<span>Aggiungi metodo di pagamento</span>
<div class="u-mb-base {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
{% render "@select", {label:'Billink', fieldLabel:'{{subription.billing}}', helper:false}, true %}
<div class="u-pt-medium u-flex u-justify-end u-size-full u-wrap u-px-base u-pb-base">
<span class="c-btn c-btn--default u-label-04 u-cursor-pointer u-ml-small"> Chiudi </span>
<span class="c-btn c-btn--primary u-label-04 u-cursor-pointer u-ml-small"> Salva </span>
<!-- end modal -->
{% else %}
<!-- modal -->
<label class="c-modal">
<input class="u-none" type="checkbox"/>
<div class="u-cursor-pointer">
<span class="o-link-primary">
Dettaglio abbonamento
<div class="c-modal__dialog u-fixed u-top u-bottom u-right u-left o-bg-base">
<div class="c-modal__wrap u-absolute u-bottom u-right u-left ">
<div class="c-modal__textual u-relative u-mt-xlarge o-bg-base u-flex u-justify-start u-column">
<div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-size-full u-pb-0 u-px-base">
<div class="u-flex u-pt-base">
<img class="c-dropdown__brand u-mr-medium" src="{{sub.eidionBrand}}" alt="{{sub.editionName}}">
<h2 class="u-heading-05 u-m-none u-py-base">{{sub.editionName}}</h2>
<span class="c-modal__close o-link-inverse u-p-xxsmall u-absolute u-radius-circle">
<svg class="o-icon o-icon--md u-cursor-pointer">
<use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-x"></use>
<div class="u-overflow-scroll">
<div class="u-my-base u-px-base">
<ul class="c-menu__list u-list-none u-my-base">
<li>Stato: {{sub.status}}</li>
<li>Prezzo: €{{sub.price}}</li>
<li>Inizio: {{sub.startDate}}</li>
<li>Scadenza: {{sub.expireDate}}</li>
<div class="u-mb-base {% if error %}c-form-error{% endif %}">
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<span>Aggiungi metodo di pagamento</span>
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"limit": 9,
"stories": [
"index": 1,
"title": "Coronavirus, la fase 2 tra sicurezza e libertà: tutte le idee per ripartire",
"label": "Emergenza Coronavirus",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Violetto Gorrasi",
"number": 1,
"summary": "\"Ieri ci sono stati più di 500 morti e i casi totali sono ancora tanti\", dice Giovanni Rezza, direttore del Dipartimento malattie infettive. La richiesta della regione Lombardia di riaprire le attività produttive il 4 maggio ha preso in contropiede il governo",
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"index": 2,
"title": "Casa di riposo degli orrori: anziani legati e bastonati. Le immagini shock",
"label": "Sei arresti",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Matteo Scarlino",
"number": 2,
"summary": "\"Ieri ci sono stati più di 500 morti e i casi totali sono ancora tanti\", dice Giovanni Rezza, direttore del Dipartimento malattie infettive. La richiesta della regione Lombardia di riaprire le attività produttive il 4 maggio ha preso in contropiede il governo",
"media": {
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"vertical": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/vertical-hi/19878683460037/casa-di-riposo-palermo-ansa-2.jpg",
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"index": 3,
"title": "Coronavirus, negli Usa 2.500 morti in un giorno ma Trump \"ha fretta\" di riaprire",
"label": "Esteri",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Fabio Grilli",
"number": 3,
"summary": "\"Ieri ci sono stati più di 500 morti e i casi totali sono ancora tanti\", dice Giovanni Rezza, direttore del Dipartimento malattie infettive. La richiesta della regione Lombardia di riaprire le attività produttive il 4 maggio ha preso in contropiede il governo",
"media": {
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"square": "https://citynews-romatoday.stgy.ovh/~media/square-hi/55989804286522/una-signora-con-il-carrello-della-spesa-al-mercato-plateatico-coperto-laurentino.jpg"
"index": 4,
"title": "Turismo e coronavirus, quali località più colpite nell'estate 2020",
"label": "Lo studio del Touring Club italiano",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Ginevra Nozzoli",
"number": 4,
"summary": "Dramma nella piscina comunale a Brescia, in Via Rodi. Un bambino di 7 anni, Ansh S., è annegato. Le urla della mamma hanno allertato il bagnino, ma non c'è stato nulla da fare",
"media": {
"horizontal": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/horizontal-low/2304174717311/turismo-crisi-ansa-milano-2.jpg",
"vertical": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/vertical-hi/2304174717311/turismo-crisi-ansa-milano-2.jpg",
"square": "https://citynews-romatoday.stgy.ovh/~media/square-hi/55989804286522/una-signora-con-il-carrello-della-spesa-al-mercato-plateatico-coperto-laurentino.jpg"
"index": 5,
"title": "Turismo e coronavirus, quali località più colpite nell'estate 2020",
"label": "Lo studio del Touring Club italiano",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Veronica Altimari",
"number": 5,
"summary": "Dramma nella piscina comunale a Brescia, in Via Rodi. Un bambino di 7 anni, Ansh S., è annegato. Le urla della mamma hanno allertato il bagnino, ma non c'è stato nulla da fare",
"media": {
"horizontal": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/horizontal-low/2304174717311/turismo-crisi-ansa-milano-2.jpg",
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"square": "https://citynews-romatoday.stgy.ovh/~media/square-hi/55989804286522/una-signora-con-il-carrello-della-spesa-al-mercato-plateatico-coperto-laurentino.jpg"
"index": 6,
"title": "Turismo e coronavirus, quali località più colpite nell'estate 2020",
"label": "Lo studio del Touring Club italiano",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Alberto Berlini",
"number": 6,
"summary": "Dramma nella piscina comunale a Brescia, in Via Rodi. Un bambino di 7 anni, Ansh S., è annegato. Le urla della mamma hanno allertato il bagnino, ma non c'è stato nulla da fare",
"media": {
"horizontal": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/horizontal-low/2304174717311/turismo-crisi-ansa-milano-2.jpg",
"vertical": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/vertical-hi/2304174717311/turismo-crisi-ansa-milano-2.jpg",
"square": "https://citynews-romatoday.stgy.ovh/~media/square-hi/55989804286522/una-signora-con-il-carrello-della-spesa-al-mercato-plateatico-coperto-laurentino.jpg"
"index": 7,
"title": "Turismo e coronavirus, quali località più colpite nell'estate 2020",
"label": "Lo studio del Touring Club italiano",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Ginevra Nozzoli",
"number": 7,
"summary": "Dramma nella piscina comunale a Brescia, in Via Rodi. Un bambino di 7 anni, Ansh S., è annegato. Le urla della mamma hanno allertato il bagnino, ma non c'è stato nulla da fare",
"media": {
"horizontal": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/horizontal-low/2304174717311/turismo-crisi-ansa-milano-2.jpg",
"vertical": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/vertical-hi/2304174717311/turismo-crisi-ansa-milano-2.jpg",
"square": "https://citynews-romatoday.stgy.ovh/~media/square-hi/55989804286522/una-signora-con-il-carrello-della-spesa-al-mercato-plateatico-coperto-laurentino.jpg"
"index": 8,
"title": "Muore annegato nella piscina comunale il giorno prima di compiere 7 anni",
"label": "Lo studio del Touring Club italiano",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Fabio Grilli",
"number": 8,
"summary": "Dramma nella piscina comunale a Brescia, in Via Rodi. Un bambino di 7 anni, Ansh S., è annegato. Le urla della mamma hanno allertato il bagnino, ma non c'è stato nulla da fare",
"media": {
"horizontal": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/horizontal-mid/65846868204321/pisicina-comunale-ansa-archivio-2.jpg",
"vertical": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/vertical-hi/65846868204321/pisicina-comunale-ansa-archivio-2.jpg",
"square": "https://citynews-romatoday.stgy.ovh/~media/square-hi/55989804286522/una-signora-con-il-carrello-della-spesa-al-mercato-plateatico-coperto-laurentino.jpg"
"index": 9,
"title": "Riceve il reddito di cittadinanza, ma ha 40 case e percepisce 120mila euro d'affitto",
"label": "Economia",
"date": "ieri pomeriggio, 15:51",
"author": "Fabio Grilli",
"number": 9,
"summary": "L'uomo è stato denunciato dalla Guardia di finanza a Lanciano, in provincia di Chieti. Gli immobili affittati, oltre quindici, secondo le Fiamme Gialle rendevano alla famiglia del beneficiario del sussidio oltre 120mila euro all'anno",
"media": {
"horizontal": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/horizontal-mid/56625536121153/evasione-fiscale-controlli-finanza-ansa-2.jpg",
"vertical": "https://citynews-today.stgy.ovh/~media/vertical-hi/56625536121153/evasione-fiscale-controlli-finanza-ansa-2.jpg",
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"opinions": [
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "17 luglio, 2020",
"author": "Carlo Sala"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "12 luglio, 2020",
"author": "Massimiliano Dona"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "30 giugno, 2020",
"author": "Luciano Lanna"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "05 giugno, 2020",
"author": "Marilia Parente"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "27 maggio, 2020",
"author": "Dario Balotta"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "13 aprile, 2020",
"author": "Rossella Lamina"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "11 aprile, 2020",
"author": "Dario Balotta"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "04 marzo, 2020",
"author": "Luciano Lanna"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "18 febbraio, 2020",
"author": "Dario Balotta"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "01 febbraio, 2020",
"author": "Rossella Lamina"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "25 gennaio, 2020",
"author": "Dario Balotta"
"title": "Caso Dentix: quali tutele per i pazienti delle cliniche dentali",
"date": "05 gennaio, 2020",
"author": "Luciano Lanna"
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