<div class="c-subheader   c-subheader--branded  u-relative">
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        <div class="c-subheader__head u-flex  u-row u-items-center   u-my-base">
            <h1 class="u-title-01 u-m-none">
                <a href="#" class="u-no-underline c-subheader__title ">

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                        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline o-link-text">



                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
                    <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
                        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline o-link-text">



                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
                    <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
                        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline o-link-text">



                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
                    <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
                        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline o-link-text">
                            Regali e News

                        <svg class="o-icon  o-icon--sm u-ml-xxsmall u-cursor-pointer u-block" data-subheader-arrow>
                            <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-chevron-down"></use>


                    <ul class="c-subheader__list u-justify-between u-wrap u-row u-column@lg u-list-none" data-subheader-list>

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
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                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">
                                Street food

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">



                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
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                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--active u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
                    <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
                        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline o-link-text">
                            Moda e bellezza



                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
                    <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
                        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline o-link-text">
                            Sconti e Offerte



                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
                    <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
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                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
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                    <ul class="c-subheader__list u-justify-between u-wrap u-row u-column@lg u-list-none" data-subheader-list>

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">
                                Street food

                        <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                            <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline o-link-text">



                <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item  u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
                    <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
                        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline o-link-text">




<div class="c-subheader {% if sticky %} u-sticky u-top u-z-cover {% endif %} {% if modifier %} c-subheader--branded {% endif %} u-relative" >
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      <div class="c-subheader__head u-flex {% if not modifier %} u-column u-row@md {% else %} u-row u-items-center {% endif %} {% if avatar %}u-items-center{% endif %} u-my-base">
        <a href="#" class="u-no-underline c-subheader__title u-size-fit">
        {% if approfondimento %}
        <svg viewBox="0 0 146 25" class="c-dossier-logo" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="0%" height="auto" fill="none">
          <g clip-path="url(#a)">
            <path fill="currentColor" d="M43.3 3.7c4.7 0 7.3 3.8 7.3 9.6 0 5.5-2.3 9-5.7 9h-.3c-1.4 0-2-.4-2-2.2V3.7h.7Zm1.8 20c7 0 11.7-4 11.7-11 0-5.9-4-10.4-12.4-10.4h-10v1.3c2 .2 2.2.5 2.2 2v14.8c0 1.6-.2 1.8-2.3 2v1.3h10.8Zm22-1c-2 0-2.6-3.2-2.6-8.2 0-3.9.5-6.2 2.4-6.2 2 0 2.6 3.2 2.6 8.2 0 3.9-.5 6.2-2.4 6.2ZM67 24c5 0 8.5-3.7 8.5-8.8 0-5-3.5-8.2-8.5-8.2s-8.5 3.7-8.5 8.8c0 5 3.5 8.2 8.5 8.2Zm16.2 0c4.1 0 6.8-2 6.8-5.6 0-3.3-2-4.5-5.7-5.8-2-.7-2.9-1.2-2.9-2.5 0-1.1.9-1.8 2.2-1.8 2.1 0 3.5 1.7 3.8 3.7h1.3V8.4A9.7 9.7 0 0 0 83.5 7c-3.6 0-6.3 1.9-6.3 5.3 0 3.1 1.9 4.5 5.3 5.6 2.1.7 3.3 1.2 3.3 2.7 0 1.4-1.2 2.1-2.6 2.1-2.4 0-4-1.9-4.6-4.4h-1.4l.2 4.1c1.3 1 3.3 1.6 5.8 1.6Zm14.5 0c4.1 0 6.8-2 6.8-5.6 0-3.3-2-4.5-5.7-5.8-2-.7-2.9-1.2-2.9-2.5 0-1.1.9-1.8 2.2-1.8 2.1 0 3.5 1.7 3.9 3.7h1.3V8.4A9.7 9.7 0 0 0 98 7c-3.6 0-6.3 1.9-6.3 5.3 0 3.1 2 4.5 5.3 5.6 2.1.7 3.3 1.2 3.3 2.7 0 1.4-1.2 2.1-2.6 2.1-2.4 0-4-1.9-4.6-4.4h-1.4l.2 4.1c1.3 1 3.3 1.6 5.8 1.6Zm15.6-17h-1L106 8.7v.9l1.7 1v10.7c0 1-.5 1.1-1.7 1.2v1.2h9v-1.2c-1.2 0-1.7-.2-1.7-1.2V7Zm-2.7-1.4c1.8 0 3-1.3 3-2.8 0-1.5-1.2-2.8-3-2.8-2 0-3 1.3-3 2.8 0 1.5 1 2.8 3 2.8ZM124.3 7c-4.4 0-8.2 3.4-8.2 8.9 0 5 3.4 8.1 8 8.1 3.8 0 6.1-2.2 7-5.6l-.6-.3a5.3 5.3 0 0 1-4.6 2.2c-2.7 0-4.7-2.3-4.7-5.9h9.7v-.8c0-3.8-2.2-6.6-6.6-6.6Zm-.4 1.3c1.6 0 2.2 1.8 2.2 4.7h-4.9c.2-2.8 1-4.7 2.7-4.7Zm15.6 4.5c1.4-1 3.1-1 5-1h.8V7.4c-.3-.3-.9-.5-1.6-.5-1.9 0-3 1.1-4.2 4.7l.1-4.7h-1l-6.4 1.7v.9l1.7 1v10.7c0 1-.5 1.1-1.7 1.2v1.2h9.7v-1.2c-1.7-.2-2.4-.3-2.4-1.6v-8Z"></path>
            <path fill="#C84A04" d="m29.8 11.6-6.2-6a12 12 0 0 0-17 0l-6 6a2 2 0 0 0 0 2.8l5 5L7 18c.2-.2.4-.3.7-.3l.5.1 1-1A7.4 7.4 0 0 1 8 10.6 7.5 7.5 0 0 1 20.7 7a7.5 7.5 0 0 1-5.5 12.6c-1.6 0-3.2-.6-4.4-1.5l-1 1a1 1 0 0 1-.2 1.1L8 21.7a12 12 0 0 0 15.6-1.2l6-6a2 2 0 0 0 0-2.9Z"></path>
            <path fill="#C84A04" d="M20.5 10a5.7 5.7 0 0 0-5.2-3.6 5.7 5.7 0 0 0-2.2 11c.7.3 1.5.4 2.2.4a5.7 5.7 0 0 0 5.2-7.9Zm-1.9 3a.7.7 0 0 1-.5.6H18c-.2 0-.4 0-.5-.2a.7.7 0 0 1-.1-.5V12a3.2 3.2 0 0 0-2-2.7h-.1a.7.7 0 0 1-.4-.5.6.6 0 0 1 .2-.5.7.7 0 0 1 .5-.2h.4l. 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.3.1 2Z"></path>
        {% else %}
          <img decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" src="{{ logo }}" class="c-subheader__logo"> 
        {% endif %}
        {% if channetitle %}
        <a class="c-header__channel o-link-inverse u-ml-xsmall" href="#">
          {{ channetitle }}
        {% endif %}
    {% else%}
      {% if title %}
      <div class="c-subheader__head u-flex {% if not modifier %} u-column u-row@md {% else %} u-row u-items-center {% endif %} {% if avatar %}u-items-center{% endif %} u-my-base">
        <h1 class="u-title-01 u-m-none">
          <a href="#" class="u-no-underline c-subheader__title ">
            {{ title }}
      {% endif %} 
    {% endif %}    
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    <nav class="c-subheader__navbar u-flex u-items-center u-overflow-auto">
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        <a href="#" class="c-subheader__item {% if nav.status=='active' %}c-subheader__item--active{% endif %} u-nav-02 u-mr-small u-cursor-pointer u-nowrap u-no-underline u-relative">
          {{ nav.item }}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if cta %}
    <div class="u-ml-auto u-px-xlarge">
      {% render "@button--approfondimento",{label:'Abbonati', size: 'small'},true %}
    {% endif%}

    {% if sponsor %}
      <img decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" src="{{ sponsor }}" class="u-ml-auto"> 
    {% endif%}

    {% if modifier=="large" %} 
      <span class="c-subheader__menu u-label-02 u-cursor-pointer {% if logo %}u-color-inverse{% else%}o-link-text{% endif %} u-none@lg u-ml-auto u-mr-small u-my-small" onclick="this.classList && document.querySelectorAll('[data-subheader-nav]').forEach( function(oNode){ oNode.classList.toggle('is-open');})">
    {% endif %}

  {% if modifier %}
  <nav class="c-subheader__navbar c-subheader__navbar--lg u-m-none " data-subheader-nav>
    <div class="o-container">
      <ul class="c-subheader__main-list u-list-none u-list-reset u-flex u-column u-row@lg u-items-center">
      {% for nav in navigation %}   
        <li tabindex="1" class="c-subheader__item {% if nav.status %}c-subheader__item--active{% endif %} u-relative u-py-base  u-cursor-pointer" data-subheader-item>
          <div class="u-flex u-justify-between u-justify-center">
            <a href="#" class="u-no-underline {% if logo %}u-color-inverse{% else%}o-link-text{% endif %}">
              {{ nav.item }}
            {% if nav.list %}
            <svg class="o-icon  o-icon--sm u-ml-xxsmall u-cursor-pointer u-block" data-subheader-arrow>
              <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#icon-chevron-down"></use>
            {% endif %}
          {% if nav.list %}
          <ul class="c-subheader__list u-justify-between u-wrap u-row u-column@lg u-list-none" data-subheader-list>
            {% for a in nav.list %}
              <li class="c-subheader__item c-subheader__item--small u-label-07 u-py-small">
                <a href="#" class="u-cursor-pointer u-no-underline {% if logo %}u-color-inverse{% else%}o-link-text{% endif %}">
                  {{ a.item }}
            {% endfor %}
          {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
  "media": "https://www.previewtoday.it/~shared/images/v7/channel-custom/best-channel-logo.svg?v=2",
  "title": "Cronaca",
  "modifier": "large",
  "channetitle": "Moda e bellezza",
  "channel": "/best/",
  "logo": false,
  "navigation": [
      "item": "Bambini"
      "item": "Casa"
      "item": "Cibo"
      "item": "Regali e News",
      "list": [
          "item": "Birra"
          "item": "Cioccolata"
          "item": "Dolci"
          "item": "Liquori"
          "item": "Street food"
          "item": "Vino"
      "item": "Libri"
      "item": "Moda e bellezza",
      "status": "active"
      "item": "Sconti e Offerte"
      "item": "Sport"
      "item": "Tecnologia",
      "list": [
          "item": "Birra"
          "item": "Cioccolata"
          "item": "Dolci"
          "item": "Liquori"
          "item": "Street food"
          "item": "Vino"
      "item": "Viaggi"
  • Content:
    // Name:            Subheader
    // Description:     Subheader of website
    // Component:       `c-subheader`
    // Dependencies:    `settings/v7/colors.tokens`
    //                  `settings/v7/colors.mode`
    //                  `settings/v7/spacing.tokens`
    // ========================================================================
    // Variables
    // ========================================================================
    $subheader-nav-line-height: 4px;
    $subheader-nav-line-active: var(--nav-active-bg);
    $subheader-nav-line-hover: var(--nav-active-bg-hover);
    $subheader-height-logo: 40px;
    $subheader-width-logo: 200px;
    $subheader-custom-spacing: 26px;
    // ========================================================================
    .c-subheader {
      // Custom properties
      // ======================================================================
      --subheader-border: transparent;
      --subheader-navbar-spacing: 0;
      --subheader-item-spacing: #{$padding-base};
      // Category color variations
      // Default colors are applied to 'notizie' or '/' data-channel
      --subheader-border: var(--divider-color);
      --subheader-text: var(--body-color);
      --subheader-title: var(--body-color);
      --subheader-text-hover: var(--hover-02, #{$hover-04});
      @each $category, $name in $categories {
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          [data-theme="today"][data-channel*="#{$category}"] & {
            --subheader-border: #{color($categories, $category, base)};
            --subheader-background: #{color($categories, $category, lighter)};
            --subheader-text: #{color($categories, $category, darker)};
            --subheader-text-hover: #{color($categories, $category, base)};  
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            [data-theme="today"][data-channel*="#{$category}"]:not([data-color-scheme*="light"]) & {
              --subheader-background: #{rgba(color($categories, $category, darker), .25)};  
              --subheader-text: #{$inverse-01};
              --subheader-border: #{color($categories, $category, darker)};
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            --subheader-background: #{rgba(color($categories, $category, darker), .25)};  
            --subheader-text: #{$inverse-01};
            --subheader-border: #{color($categories, $category, darker)};
      // ======================================================================
      border-bottom-width: 1px;
      border-bottom-style: solid;
      border-bottom-color: var(--subheader-border);
      background-color: var(--subheader-background, --background-color); //var(--subheader-background);
      background-image: var(--subheader-background-image);
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-position: center center;
      background-size: var(--subheader-background-size);
      transition: $global-interactive-transition;
      &::after {
        position: absolute;
        right: 0;
        bottom: -5px;
        content: '';
        width: 100%;
        height: 1px;
        background-color: var(--subheader-border);
        [data-channel*="dossier"] & {
          display: none;
      // Hide ::after border when modifier is branded
        display: none;
      // Subheader List
      &__list {
        position: relative;
        display: none;
        width: 100%;
        margin-top: $margin-xxsmall;
        margin-left: 0;
        padding-left: 0;
        @include bp(lg) {
          position: absolute;
          left: 0;
          width: auto;
          min-width: 100%;
          margin-top: 0;
        [data-subheader-item]:focus &,
        [data-subheader-item]:hover & {
          top: 100%;
          display: flex;
          background-color: var(--subheader-background-active, var(--background-color));
      // Subheader Main List
      &__main-list {
        margin-right: -$padding-small;
        margin-left: -$padding-small;
        @include bp(lg) {
          margin: 0;
      // Subheader Title
      &__title {
        color: var(--subheader-title);
      // Subheader Navbar
      &__navbar {
        margin-right: -$margin-small;
        margin-left: -$margin-small;
        padding-top: var(--subheader-navbar-spacing);
        .c-subheader__head ~ & {
          // Remove padding top when adiacent to subheader head
          --subheader-navbar-spacing: 0;
          // Restore padding top on medium devices
          @include bp(md) {
            --subheader-navbar-spacing: #{$subheader-custom-spacing};
            margin-left: $margin-large;
        // Navbar Large Variant
        &--lg {
          --subheader-navbar-spacing: 0;
          display: none;
          @include bp(lg) {
            display: block;
            border-top: 1px solid var(--subheader-light-line);
          &.is-open {
            display: block;
      // Subheader Item
      &__item {
        @include z(cover);
        padding-top: var(--subheader-item-spacing); 
        padding-bottom: var(--subheader-item-spacing );
        color: var(--subheader-text);
        &:first-child {
          margin-left: $margin-small;
        &:hover {
          color: var(--subheader-text-hover);
        // Subheader item children of Main List
        .c-subheader__main-list > & {
          padding-right: $padding-base;
          padding-left: $padding-base;
          @include bp(lg) {
            padding-right: $padding-xsmall;
            padding-left: $padding-xsmall;
        .c-subheader__head ~ .c-subheader__navbar & {
          // Remove padding top when adiacent to subheader head
          padding-top: 0;
          // Change item spacing from medium devices
          @include bp(md) {
            --subheader-item-spacing : #{$subheader-custom-spacing};
        // Active state modifier
        &--active {
          &::after {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 0;
            content: '';
            width: 100%;
            height: $subheader-nav-line-height;
            background-color: var(--subheader-text);
            .c-subheader__navbar--lg & {
              width: $subheader-nav-line-height;
              height: 100%;
              @include bp(lg) {
                width: 100% ;
                height: $subheader-nav-line-height;
        // Small modifier
        &--small {
          width: 50%;
          padding-right: $padding-small;
          padding-left: 0;
          @include bp(lg) {
            width: 100%;
            padding-left: $padding-small;
        // Subheader item children of Navbar Large
        .c-subheader__navbar--lg & {
          width: 100%;
          @include type(nav-02);
          @include bp(lg) {
            font-size: $brevier;
            width: auto;
          &:hover {
            outline: none; 
            background-color: var(--subheader-background-active, var(--background-color));
            color: var(--subheader-text);
            &::after {
              display: none;
            [data-subheader-arrow] {
              transform: rotate(180deg);
          &:first-child {
            margin-left: 0;
      // Subheader Avatar
      &__avatar {
        margin-bottom: $margin-xsmall;
        @include bp(md) {
          margin-right: $margin-xsmall;
          margin-bottom: 0;
      // Subheader Logo
      &__logo {
        max-height: $subheader-height-logo;
        // min-width: $subheader-width-logo;
      // approfondimento custom values
      body[data-channel*="dossier"] & {
        --subheader-background: #{$approfondimento-gray-light};
        --subheader-title: #{$approfondimento-gray-darker};
      @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
        body[data-channel*="dossier"]:not([data-color-scheme*="light"]) & {
          --subheader-background: #{$approfondimento-gray-darker};
          --subheader-text-hover: #{$inverse-01};
          --subheader-title: #{$inverse-01};
      [data-color-scheme*="dark"][data-channel*="dossier"] & {
        --subheader-background: #{$approfondimento-gray-darker};
        --subheader-text-hover: #{$inverse-01};
        --subheader-title: #{$inverse-01};
      .c-btn {
        position: absolute;
        right: $padding-base;
        top: 1.2rem;
        @include bp(lg){
          position: relative;
          top: auto;
          right: auto;
  • URL: /components/raw/subheader/subheader.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/lib/components/subheader/subheader.scss
  • Size: 8.1 KB


The peculiarity of this is to provide more navigation information on the page or channel you are visiting.

The Subheader component snaps into place as the header– slim component.


Possible layout variations:

  • Default - only channel name is present
  • Navbar - there is the name of the channel and its navigation bar
  • Custom - there is the name of the channel, any avatar (in the case of a blog section), the navigation bar and a colored background based on the section it belongs to (eg Gossip)
  • Topic and People - there is the name of the channel, the optional navigation bar and any image (People), a label that points to the section it belongs to and a specific link that refers to the section indicated by the label.

In order to generate a variation you must set parameter declaration in it’s config file. If the evaluation of parameter will result true, because present a value in it’s configuration, it will be rendered in the component


Render subheaer

In order to display a default subheaer template use following syntax:

  {% render "@subheader" %}